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No Tech Issues

Writer's picture: Lisa WilliamsLisa Williams

Nine months ago I created this website, I told myself for years I didn't need a website. It was all down to me how I didn't think I could create one let alone manage and update it.

Nine months later I have not only ran courses through the website, added a shop, added landing pages, as well as tickets for events. The latest being the Vision Board Virtual Summit. The summit went down a storm, with over 60 women in attendance and 12 expert speakers. I still can not believe it that we got through two whole days without any tech issues at all!. My organisation skills have definitely played a vital role here.

I have been asked by so many people in less than a few days, how I did it all. So I have put together a little step by step guide of how to run an online summit event.

  1. Get your vision down on paper, do you want speakers, how many days do you want the event for, do you want time slots?

  2. Once you have the vision you can break this down into action steps.

  3. Book the date in your diary.

  4. Research speakers and message them to see if they would like to be involved

  5. Set the event up on your website

  6. Create the marketing materials for guest speakers

  7. Create countdown for your socials

  8. Start sending emails to your mailing list to let them know.

  9. Book to be a guest speaker in other groups so you can expand your reach in sharing the online event you have

  10. Organise some prizes to keep the summit/event exciting.

  11. Set up zoom links for the event, email to attendee's and speakers.

  12. Share daily on your socials.

Hope these steps help you achieve a successful event.

For those who are not at the stage of preparing for online events, but really would like to add more tech into your business but your telling yourself ' I am no good at tech' 'me and tech are not friends' Trust me I told myself these as well. If I can do this, so can you.

Technology is just another tool to get that step closer to your visions and dreams.



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You've got this!

Much Love


Vision Board Queen

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